Yeşim Aydın Son

Assoc. Professor and Head of Department, Graduate School of Informatics, Medical Informatics, Middle East Technical University, Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey
YEŞİM AYDIN SON is a graduate of Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine; she continued her education as a "Research Assistant" at the University of TN, Knoxville Graduate School of Genome Science and Technology, and completed her doctorate in "Life Sciences" in 2006. She worked as a postdoctoral researcher at The City of Hope, National Cancer Center, Department of Molecular Medicine between 2007 and 2009. Since 2009 she has been a faculty member of the Bioinformatics Program and was promoted as an “Associate Professor” at Middle East Technical University, Department of Health Informatics in 2017. She has been working on modeling chronic and complex diseases such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases based on genomic and clinical data. She is currently the Head of the Department of Health Informatics at METU, vice president of the Medical Informatics Association, member of the TÜSEB Genome and Bioinformatics Committee, and managing committee member of Turkey for the Cost Action DYNALIFE. AYDIN SON is married and has two children and three cats.